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Fenugreek Seeds for 4C Hair Care and Growth

Elaf Eltayib

As an African woman with 4C hair, I can tell you that although I love my hair, sometimes dealing with it can be a little hard. Managing the frizz and growing it to a certain length can be a little bit challenging. But learning more about things such as protective hairstyles, DIY leave-in conditioners, and foods and drinks that I can take to maximize my hair growth and make it healthier has made it easier to manage my 4C hair. 

One of the things that I came across, and that you probably heard of, is fenugreek. I have written about fenugreek seeds and their benefits before, and I can tell you it is amazing. But this time I want to focus on its benefits for 4C hair according to studies and how to use it to get the best results.

What Is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek Seeds for 4C Hair Care and Growth

Fenugreek is a famous herb, with culinary and medicinal applications, for which both the seeds and the leaves are used. It is native to the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and Europe. Fenugreek has been part of Chinese traditional medicine, Ayurveda, and other traditional medicines for a good reason, too. As it happens, fenugreek has many medicinal uses and potential effects, for example:

  • It lowers blood sugar levels.

  • Induce labor.

  • Relieve skin irritation.

  • For diarrhea.

  • Increase lactation.

  • Promotes skin health.

But what interests us today is its use and benefits for growth. So, let's take a look at what fenugreek can do to your hair and how to use it.

The Effects of Fenugreek Seed on 4C Hair

The Effects of Fenugreek Seed on 4C Hair

1. May Increase Hair Growth

Fenugreek seeds can promote hair growth either due to their high content of iron and protein, two nutrients that are known for their importance for hair growth. The other pathway through which fenugreek seeds can promote hair growth is through their high flavonoid and saponin content; those compounds are known for their anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. 

2. May Increase Hair Thickness

Typically, an increase in the growth rate of hair will be accompanied by an increase in the thickness of the hair; it is not just length. A study that dates back to 2006 looked into the effect of fenugreek seed extract over the period of six months. The results were that over 80% of those who received treatment witnessed an increase in hair thickness and volume compared to the placebo. 

3. May Promote a Healthier Scalp

Itchy scalp, irritated scalp, and flaking scalp could easily lead to hair loss. Such symptoms might arise from conditions such as dandruff and psoriasis. Fenugreek has long been used to treat conditions such as dandruff, a therapeutic use that we can attribute to the anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect of flavonoids and saponins. When you have a healthy scalp, you are more likely to enjoy stable growth for your 4C hair.

4. The Protein in Fenugreek Seeds Strengthens the Hair

The Effects of Fenugreek Seed on 4C Hair

One of the characteristics of 4C hair is that it is fragile and more prone to breakage. Fenugreek contains amino acids and proteins that are important for hair growth. However, for this, eating the seeds might be more effective than applying its infusion or extract directly on your hair.

One of the proteins in fenugreek is called lecithin, a protein that, according to some studies, can enhance hair growth. 

That's as far as the studies I found go; most of them, if not all, are concerned about what fenugreek does for hair loss and its effect on the scalp. But when I'm researching something, I like to take a look at anecdotal experiences, because those people could be into something, especially when there are not even studies around. So, let me share with you what I found from the personal experience of women who tried fenugreek for their hair. 

Personal Experiences of Using Fenugreek for Hair:

Here, I collected some of the effects of fenugreek seeds based on the personal experiences of users. 

1. Fenugreek Might Moisturize Your Hair

The Effects of Fenugreek Seed on 4C Hair

Many of those who used fenugreek, including a best friend of mine, claimed that it moisturized their hair. And a moisturized hair means less breakage and increased length retention and hence faster hair growth. 

2. It Can Soften Your Hair

Fenugreek might soften your hair due to its mucilaginous content. The mucilage acts as a conditioner that can make your hair softer, reduce the frizz, and make detangling your hair easier.

3. Fenugreek Can Add a Shine to Your Hair

This effect could be attributed to the vitamin E content in fenugreek seeds. Vitamin E might add a shine to your 4C hair, not to mention that it is known for its beneficial effects on hair growth, as it supports a healthier scalp and works as a natural antioxidant. 

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds for 4C Hair?

Now, let me share with you some of the ways in which you can use fenugreek seeds for your hair.

1. Take It Orally 

You can swallow fenugreek seeds daily or every couple of days. Taking it orally allows your body to utilize all the nutrients that are in the seeds. Don't forget that ingesting enough of the right nutrients is important for hair growth, especially the proteins. But don't overdo it.

2. Fenugreek Seed Water

The Effects of Fenugreek Seed on 4C Hair

An alternative method is to use fenugreek seed water. As a leave-in conditioner. You can prepare fenugreek water by heating a cup of water and then adding a tsp of fenugreek seeds and leaving it for a few hours. You can also use lukewarm water and leave it overnight before distilling it. 

3. Fenugreek Seeds Paste

You can use fenugreek seed paste as a hair mask every couple of weeks or once a month, depending on your need and your hair. You prepare the paste by grinding the seeds into powder and then adding water until you have a paste texture that you can apply to your hair. After you apply it, cover your hair with a plastic bag, leave the paste for a couple of hours, then wash your hair with the shampoo. 

4. Fenugreek Seed Oil

Additionally, you can use fenugreek seed oil on your 4C hair. Prepare the oil by heating some coconut or any other carrier oil with a tsp of fenugreek seeds, or add the seeds to the oil, cover it, and leave it for a week in a dark place. You can use the oil for hot oil treatment before washing your hair, or you can add a few drops to your hair cream/butter and apply it daily.

The Problem With Fenugreek Seeds 

1. The Smell

One of the things that stops many from using fenugreek seeds is that they affect your body's scent noticeably. It is actually the reason why I am hesitating to use it myself. When I have fenugreek seeds for diarrhea, I smell weird for a couple of days. People say that it smells like maple syrup, but in a bad way. I do not know about that since I have never tried maple syrup, but I can just tell you it does not smell very good.

2. You Need to Be Careful If You Have Certain Conditions 

If you are diabetic, you need to be careful when you take fenugreek seeds orally, as that might cause hypoglycemia, especially if you take other antidiabetic medications. 

Also, you better avoid it if you are pregnant. 

The Bottom Line 

Fenugreek seeds might help you with achieving the length you desire for your 4C hair. As it might promote hair growth and scalp health through its protein content, anti-inflammatory activity, and antifungal activity. You can use fenugreek seeds in many ways; for example, you can have it as a supplement, apply it as a homemade leave-in conditioner or oil, or even use it as a homemade hair mask before washing your hair. Growing 4C hair is a long journey, and usually more than one factor would affect that journey; focusing on one aspect will not take you far. 

References and Citations:


  2. Nagulapalli Venkata, K. C., Swaroop, A., Bagchi, D., & Bishayee, A. (2017). A small plant with big benefits: Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn.) for disease prevention and health promotion. Molecular nutrition & food research, 61(6), 10.1002/mnfr.201600950.

  3. MEDIZIN, Kosmetische & Schoen, Christiane & Bielfeldt, Stephan & Reimann, Jürgen. (2006). Fenugreek+micronutrients: Efficacy of a food supplement against hair loss. Kosmetische Medizin. 27.

  4. Ktari, N., Trabelsi, I., Bardaa, S., Triki, M., Bkhairia, I., Ben Slama-Ben Salem, R., Nasri, M., & Ben Salah, R. (2017). Antioxidant and hemolytic activities, and effects in rat cutaneous wound healing of a novel polysaccharide from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seeds. International journal of biological macromolecules, 95, 625–634.



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Khorfakan, Sharigah, United Arab Emirates

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