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  • Elaf Eltayib

The Effects of Loneliness on Women and How to Deal With It 

Updated: Jul 30

Loneliness is an epidemic disease; it hits almost all of us at one point or another in our lives. And, as we advance into this modern-day society, loneliness becomes more and more prevalent. A poll done by Gallup found that almost a quarter of the world feels lonely. 


How this loneliness hits males and females is surely different because both genders possess different and distinguished qualities that result in different experiences. 

Loneliness can have a significant impact on women, an impact that can affect them not only emotionally but also physically, not to mention that loneliness is more prevalent in women than it is in men. In this article, we explore all the effects that loneliness can exert on women. 

Loneliness effects on women


The Difference Between Social Isolation and Loneliness 


Before we start, it's important to know the difference between social isolation and loneliness, because a lot of people tend to mix those two together. Social isolation, as the name implies, is when you are socially isolated from the rest of society. However, this isolation doesn't necessarily mean that you are lonely, because you can be socially isolated and still not suffer from loneliness. On the other hand, loneliness is something that you can experience even though you are surrounded by a lot of people. 


The Effects of Loneliness on Women


As a woman who has suffered from being lonely for a long time, I can say that loneliness has left marks in my heart, ones that I can still feel. The effects of loneliness on women are not to be underestimated; it's important to raise awareness about this topic because, unfortunately, many women suffer greatly while they don't even know that the effects they are experiencing can be a result of being lonely. Let's take a look at some of these effects. 


1. Depression

Depression and loneliness on women

Depression is deeply connected to loneliness; not only can loneliness lead to depression, but they also share a lot of characteristics like helplessness and pain. Loneliness can cause depressive symptoms. A lot of women who are lonely are reported to be less happy and less satisfied with their lives. Furthermore, singleness, which is also connected to loneliness in women, is also a risk factor for depression. 


2. Fear of the future


If you are a lonely woman, you might already know what this is about. The fears of a lonely woman can sometimes be suffocating. Lonely women often experience a deep fear of being alone forever; they fear that those terrible feelings and the emptiness in their lives will never be filled. The prospect of the many years that will be spent absolutely alone is a scary prospect for lonely women. This reaches the degree that THIRD of the population of women are more scared of being alone than they are of being diagnosed with cancer.


3. Longing 


Lonely women fear the future

One of the effects of loneliness on women is that they might feel a deep longing in their hearts, longing to have people who care about them and whom they care about, people who would ask about them, love them, and share everything with them.


4. Sadness


Lonely women tend to feel deeply sad sometimes. A friend once told me that when she sees happy family members looking after each other and loving each other, she always finds her tears flowing and feels a deep ache and sadness in her heart because she thinks that she is not ever going to experience this and will forever be alone. For some women, this sadness becomes a familiar companion. 


5. Feeling unwanted 


Lonely women tend to feel that they are lonely because there is something wrong with them and no one really wants to be with them. Even though this might not be true, some of us just don't come across the right ones to draw closer to. But still, they feel unwanted, and this feeling leads to self-consciousness and low self-esteem, handling a tough blow to our self-image, which in turn leads to more isolation and loneliness. 


6. Increased cortisol


Cortisol, known commonly as the stress hormone, can be increased by loneliness. The rise in blood cortisol can lead to several health issues, such as:


  • Diabetes. 

  • Hypertension.

  • Cushing disease. 

  • Sleep problems. 

  • Increased weight.

  • Acne breakout. 

  • Muscle wasting.

  • Osteoporosis. 


7. Alzheimer's disease 


This might seem weird and even surprising to you, but it's true, to the degree that some scientists classify it as an early symptom of dementia. Loneliness is associated with a more than twofold risk of dementia. However, this relationship is not completely understood, and it could in fact be the other way around, with loneliness being a result of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 


8. Alcoholism 


Lonely women are at a higher risk of abusing alcohol. Loneliness is even considered a poor prognostic factor in all stages of alcoholism. This is not hard to guess or grasp because falling into alcoholism becomes easier and easier with the lack of any social support, not to mention the pressure those women feel—pressure that is brought on by the community. 


9. Negative effect on the immune system 


Loneliness has been associated with impaired cellular immunity. 


10. Sleep


Lonely women might also suffer from trouble sleeping. Those, in turn, can affect physical health in a negative way.


How to Cope With and Deal With Loneliness 


Dealing with loneliness as a woman is a truly tough thing, and very few of us are equipped with what it takes to cope with it and live the best of our lives despite it. That's why I want to share with you a few things that I think might help you cope with loneliness, even a bit.


1. Do not lose hope


The first thing I would tell you is to not lose hope. I see a lot of people who lose hope very early and start thinking that they will spend the rest of their lives alone. I have to tell you that this kind of attitude reflects on you, and people can sense it. 

None of us knows what will happen the very next day; for all you know, your loneliness will end before you know it, so remain hopeful. LIVE YOUR LIFE DAY BY DAY.


2. Spirituality 


A lot of you believe in some higher power; this belief can be harnessed to your benefit. For example, Muslims believe that everything that happens happens for a reason and that everything that happens is good for you in some way. This kind of mentality can help you a lot when it comes to dealing with loneliness, as can the knowledge the believers have, which is that they are never truly alone and that everything is a test. 


Regardless of your religion, turning to what you believe in can be helpful.


3. Keep on trying

How to cope with loneliness as a woman

If your loneliness is connected to being single, keep on trying to find the right person. Go out, meet new people, build new relationships, and make new friends. Like I said, you never know what's waiting for you on the other side of the road.


4. Nothing is wrong with you


Remember that being lonely does not mean that people don't want you; it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with you. It can happen to people who can even be considered perfect. So, don't let it affect your self-esteem; don't let it make you feel that you are worthless. Because, believe me, YOU ARE NOT!


5. Fill your time with activities 


Empty time and loneliness should not come together. In the time you spend alone, you are going to reflect and think more about your loneliness. You will sink deeper into it and into the depressive feelings it brings forth. On the other hand, filling your days with activities can improve the effects brought down on you by loneliness. 


Here is a list of things you can do:


Exercise: regular exercise is always a great option to deal with a lot of hardships, mental illnesses, and physical ones as well. Do it regularly, and you will start noticing the difference yourself. 

Adapt a hobby: if you already have a hobby, then hold on to it, but if you don't have one, try new things and explore until you land on something that you love.

Avoid social isolation: although social isolation is different from loneliness and it's probably not the cause of it, it's still not recommended to spend a lot of time alone. 


In the end, keep in mind that you are not alone in this; wherever you go, you will see lonely people. Live your life one day at a time, love yourself, and remember that you are worth a lot.




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