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TikTok Health Trends: Weeding Out the Good From the Bad

Elaf Eltayib

TikTok is not just a black hole of tiny dances and lip-syncing—not anymore, at least. Nowadays, people use TikTok to find quick recipes, catch up on the news, and share different opinions. But not just that, TikTok is now filled with users who talk about health and nutrition and who are ready to give you all kinds of advice.

Exploring the health trends of Tiktok

Not just that, but every few days we hear about a new TikTok health trend that is taking the internet by storm. Today, we will look into some of these TikTok health trends and weed out the good from the bad.

1. Mouth Taping

Mouth taping is shutting your mouth with a tape before sleeping (I know, I was shocked too), the purpose behind this act is to promote breathing through nostrils. Supporters of this method claim that mouth taping has the following benefits:

  • Remove bad breath.

  • Reduce gum diseases.

  • Fight Cavities.

  • Reduce brain fog.

  • Strengthen the weak immune system.

  • Reduce snoring.

  • Waking up fresh and energized.

  • Improved facial structure.

Is Mouth Taping Good?

As of today, there is no scientific evidence supporting most of the claims above (expect that mouth taping improves snoring in those with sleep apnea¹). In fact, mouth taping can be dangerous. The mouth is a backup breathing airway. Blocking it can cause breathing problems and lead to a lack of oxygen, especially if your nostrils are congested.

2. Hot Girl Walk

Hot Girl Walking is a healthy tiktok trend

The Hot Girl Walk, named accordingly, is a four-mile outdoor walk inspired by TikTok creator Mia Lind. During this walk, you are not supposed to think about anything except your goals and how you plan to achieve them, the things you are grateful for, and how hot you are.

Is Hot Girl Walk Good?

I think this one is obvious. There is nothing weird about taking a walk in which you think about good things. On the contrary, walking while thinking about positive stuff will improve your mental health. Walking outdoors, even if for a short period, is good both for your physical and mental health².

If you are planning to try the Hot Girl Walk trend but you are not used to walking such distances, you can start by walking a mile and increasing it from there.

3. Frozen Honey

Frozen Honey, is it a healthy TikTok trend?

This fad involves placing honey in a bottle and allowing it to freeze overnight, then squeezing it into your mouth in the morning.

Is Frozen Honey Good?

Honey, when you take it moderately and in other forms, is good for your health. But taking it in large quantities can raise your blood sugar levels. Additionally, the high sugar content and temperature of the Frozen Honey can hurt your teeth.

4. Dry Scooping

Dry Scooping is a trend where influencers and fitness enthusiasts take dry powder before workouts. Advocates of dry scooping say that it can increase your energy levels during workout and increase endurance.

Is Dry Scooping Good?

No, and No. You want to skip that one.

Are you wondering why? Here, let me tell you why you should skip on Dry Scooping:

  • The dry protein powder can be irritating to the throat, some of the particles can stick on your throat and can cause a boat of coughing.

  • Pre-workout protein powder usually contains caffeine, scooping the powder this way will lead to high levels of caffeine in your blood. This can lead to an increase in heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and difficulty in breathing.

  • Dry Scooping can put you in the hospital, and, without exaggeration, it might even lead to death. In fact, one of the TikTokkers who tried it got hospitalized and reported the incident.

5. Lettuce Water Before Bedtime

Can lettuce water help you sleep? Find out.

Here is how you do it: bring a couple of lettuce leaves, you boil some water; you pour the boiled water on the leaves; you let them soak for 10 minutes, and then finally you drink it.

TikTokkers who tried this said that lettuce water helped them sleep better.

Is There Any Truth Behind This?

A study conducted in rodents showed that the water extract of Green Romaine Lettuce decreased the REM and increased the non-REM. So, there could be some truth to that, although further research is needed. It's important to keep in mind that results that appear in animals don't necessarily apply to humans³.

Should You Try the Lettuce Water Trend?

Go for it. Lettuce water is good for you. Even if it doesn't help you sleep, it has a ton of other health benefits. Lettuce is high in fibers that support digestion and also contains significant amounts of calcium and potassium, which promote bone health. However, I should point out that only a small portion of the minerals and vitamins would be present in lettuce water.

Would Lettuce Water Solve Your Sleep Problems?

That's doubtful, as more research is needed. Even so, it can be a good addition to your nighttime routine.

6. Benadryl Challenge

Bendryl challenge tiktok trend can be dangerous

I don't even know how this one came to be a trend or how it was allowed to be promoted on TikTok or any other platform like this! Benadryl Challenge is one extremely DANGEROUS trend. It challenges people to take large doses of diphenhydramine (known commercially as Benadryl) in the hope of inducing hallucinations.

Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine medication, is mainly utilized to treat allergies and common cold symptoms. It is also sometimes used to alleviate tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease.

Is the Benadryl Challenge Safe?

Absolutely not! Benadryl “Challenge” is dangerous, and it risks lives. Taking large doses of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can lead to serious side effects such as increased heart rate (tachycardia), vomiting, flushing, confusion, and seizures. Not only that, but high doses of Benadryl might cause brain damage and death!

So, clear away from this “Challenge”.

7. Nature's Cereals

Nature's Cereals trend, is it good?

Nature's Cereals is one of the best trends out there. The basics of this trend are to replace breakfast cereals with a combination of fruits and coconut water.

I would say whenever you can exchange preservative-loaded products with natural organic food, then do it without a second thought. Breakfast cereals contain a lot of sugar and preservatives, replacing that with fruits and coconut water is definitely good for your health.

Fruits contain abundant vitamins and minerals, including potent antioxidants.

Personally, I prefer having my fruit mixture with milk or yoghurt.

Is Nature’s Cereals a Good Trend?

Yes. Trying this trend will benefit you.

8. Facial Icing

Facial Icing is built on the basis that ice can reduce swelling and relieve inflammation. Proponents of this method on TikTok say that it's a good technique to incorporate into your skincare routine.

Is Facial Icing Good?

There are no studies to support this trend. However, it might be good as ice can reduce puffiness, but don't overdo it.

9. Chia Seeds Water for Weight Loss

Is chia seeds water good for health

The idea behind this is that chia seeds will swell in your stomach and make you feel fuller for a long time, thus causing you to eat less and lose weight.

Is Chia Seeds Water Effective for Weight Loss?

Well, not really. Chia seeds can absorb large quantities of water, and the fiber content in chia seeds will take longer to be digested, hence you will feel fuller for a longer duration. However, they also contain fats and are relatively high in calories.

Not just that, drinking too much chia seeds water is not good, because you will need to drink a lot of water with it, which can disrupt your digestive system and cause issues. Also, there is no evidence that chia seeds water on its own will cause significant weight loss.

10. Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is it good for your health?

Alkaline water is water with a higher PH. This trend was promoted on TikTok and was practiced by celebs, like Gwyneth Paltrow who takes it with lemon (defeating the whole point, as lemon will make the water acidic).

Some people claim that alkaline water can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart diseases. They also assert that alkaline water can assist in neutralizing acidity in your bloodstream. However, there is not enough research or evidence to support those claims.

Is Alkaline Water Good for You?

There is not enough evidence that alkaline water is better than regular water.


Don't follow any trend blindly. Conduct your research and talk to a professional in the medical field. If they tell you that it's good, then go for it. While some TikTok trends that pop up every day can be good, many can be dangerous and even deadly. So, don't let your guards down and avoid trying anything you are not sure about.



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Khorfakan, Sharigah, United Arab Emirates

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